
What’s Honour All About?

We found Maryam in the back foyer of our church, crying. She had left our ladies ESL conversation class abruptly. After some time, we went to see where she was and what was wrong. All she would tell us is “I am ashamed! I am ashamed!”

If I had understood the realities of shame and honour, I might have known how to help her rejoin us. Maybe I could have shared about the honour God longs to give her and others like her!

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What New Canadians Wish You Knew

Imagine stepping off of a plane to begin a new life in a country you may never have even visited. That may be hard to imagine, yet it is a reality for thousands in Canada each year. In fact, the Canadian government will welcome over 1 million permanent and temporary residents this year. To help you better understand new Canadians, here are 10 things new Canadians wish their neighbours knew about them.

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