Frequently Asked Questions

This course is provided at no cost to your or your church. But we hope you’ll consider a financial contribution to help others benefit from it too!

No training or background knowledge is necessary to lead a group. A ‘how to lead a group’ guide and short video will be available along with the CultureCross course content. Content can be run at your own pace. We grant you permission to print out all resources that your group requires.

Culture Cross is currently in pilot phase with full release expected June 3, 2024! Sign up to be notified when you can create your account and access all of the videos and discussion guides.

Culture Cross was created by TWR Canada, a global leader in media that equips the local church. TWR Canada’s content heard from so many organizations and churches excited about the possibility of a training course for more effectively engaging newcomers to Canada.

We are excited that we’ve been able to bring together 12 organizations with a similar vision for this project – each contributing expert teaching.

This course is designed for those who want to reach out cross-culturally but feel they could use a little help and education. It is suitable for student ministries and adult groups who are motivated to learn.

The course does assume some familiarity with the Bible and basic Christian doctrine, as well as a desire to share God’s love in practical ways with those who have not yet experienced it. 

CultureCross videos were shot at a variety of locations such as offices, churches and homes. We were gifted permission to use each location by those who believed this project would enrich the Canadian church and bless you.  We would like to thank these churches, organizations and individuals for the generous use of the beautiful space.

We would also like to thank Kigaana Productions for their videography and other creative services, and Skytrain Productions for their post-production expertise.

Currently, Culture Cross is only available in English.

Your financial support of CultureCross will enable us to consider specific editions for student ministries, businesses and other audiences as well as produce it in other languages. Consider making a gift to support this important work.

TWR Canada, the creator of CultureCross, is a nondenominational mission organization. We have expertise in content contextualization for wide audiences, while remaining true to common historical biblical teachings.

Our contributors come from diverse backgrounds and a broad spectrum of Christian convictions. We intended this content is appropriate for a wide range of Christian church traditions.

Most groups choose to run the CultureCross course as a weekly small group or discussion-based class. This format works well for many Sunday School classes, small groups, or ministry teams.

It can also be used as part of a week-long training course or a two-weekend conference-style experience for teams involved in cross-cultural ministry. (This option may be too intense for those without prior experience with other cultural groups.)

Group discussions provide practical personal application of the ideas and an exploration of Bible passages. Many participants find that group discussion is one of the most valuable parts of this course, so we encourage ministry teams and church small groups to journey through this material together.

Each week, there is an optional (but recommended!) discussion preparation, which includes a short Bible study to prepare you for the video and the week’s discussion topic. This ‘homework’ typically takes approximately 30 minutes each week.

Each lesson is expected to take about 90 minutes, including watching the video together. (Videos are 18-25 minutes each. If you have a large or talkative group, you may wish to extend that time or watch the video in advance to allow everyone to participate.

Others have found that watching the video at their own pace in advance as part of the lesson preparation allows for a more thoughtful and relaxed discussion time.

The participant’s guide includes all preparation, icebreaker and group discussion questions.

(Coffee and snacks not included.)

Yes! Many people find the discussions helpful for applying the learning in their specific contexts, but you can also use the discussion questions as a self-study guide. When you sign up for a course, you’ll see an option to sign up as an individual.

This is also a good way to review the material in depth.