I'm Ready!

We know you want to love others.

You also don’t want to miss out on the incredible thing God is doing in Canada right now! You know you have a chance like never before to make a difference in the lives of newcomers by extending friendship, and truly loving others in a way that recognizes their worth and your common desires.

You're Ready to Love!

Loving our neighbourhood in the way of Jesus means finding commonality with those who the world sees as different, it means bringing those outside, in. It means sacrifice.

If you want to add confidence to your compassion and some practical tools to your personal mission you’re going to need some training. That’s where we can help! 

Here’s what you can do today:

  1. Recommend the Culture Cross Course to a Leader at your Church or Ministry!
    [ link to send to a leader or a form?]
  2. Sign up for our “Crossing Cultures” monthly email where you will receive inspirational stories from people across Canada and around the world reaching out with the love of Jesus, along with practical advice you can use in your community.
    [Sign up here]
  3. Explore our website and recommended resources. Connect with us on Instagram for more helpful information and to hear about online workshops or other learning opportunities.
  4. Sign up for your own account and run a course for others like you!